Resurgence Pale Ale version 4
Change to grain – ratios only – with an increase of Vienna, balanced out with decrease of American Ale and Aurora. Hops – changed to Riwaka and Mosiac, using the same hop delivery as the West Coast RIPA ii. Yeast also changed from BRY-97 to Pomona.
Brew went well, slightly longer boil due to wfh meeting.
cooling from 80C to 20C took 36min
Day 1
fermentation underway very quickly, pressure help around 2psi, by the evening it’d come down from 1.061 to 1.043
Day 2
fast fermentation, by evening SG 1.012 (6.5%), foam levels good, approx 50mm, pressure 2psi
Day 5
sg 1.006 with 1-2pts change over 48hrs
dry hop added, 180g total
spunding closed for CO2 capture
temperature raised to 20C
Day 13
Dumped trub, cooled to 4C
Day 14
transferred to keg and 2L riga, total 21L
tasting nice, good Riwaka flavour