Dusty Zombies iii



Hop Variety60min10min5min0min-10minDry HopTotal
Heat off @ 0min addition, rapidly cool to 80C. Hold @ 80C until -10min addition, then resume cooling to pitching temperature.


  • 4.7kg Gladfield Ale Malt
  • 1.9kg Gladfield Vienna Malt


2x Pomona Hybrid yeast

Water Treatment

2g CaCl2, 8g MgSO4

Boil Additions

Whirlfloc and yeast nutrient @ 10min


  • Mash in at 67°C with 16.5L, rest for 62 min at 66°C.
  • Mash out: 10min @ 78C
  • Sparge with 16L at 78°C
  • Preboil size 29L
  • Boil time 60mins
  • Postboil size 24L
  • Fermenter volume 23L


18C for fermentation, 20C for rest phase

Fermenter Additions


self carbonated, spunding valve closed at day 5 after dry hop



Final Volume



Dusty Zombies iii

Third iteration of my variations on the zombie dust clone, using Ale and Vienna malts, Citra single hop, and 2x Lalbrew Pomona yeast. This version has slightly more grain with an additional 100g of Vienna, the same volume and delivery of citra hop as the last one, and switching from verdant to pomona yast.

Ingredients from The Brewstore.

OG 1.063

Day 1

Within 24hours fermentation had started. Pressure set to around 2.5 – 3 psi.

Day 2

Fermentation going great – bubbling away happily at around 2.5 or so PSI. SG already down to 1.020 and still going, approx. 5.7%

Day 5

Dry hop added, 165g citra.

Temperature increased to 20C, spunding valve closed.

Day 11

Pressure around 24psi

Day 12

Cooled to 3C and bottled 2L for tasting.

Day 14

Transferred to keg using gravity/syphon method.