- Recipe uses grain build from Karl’s Zombie Dust clone, and new hop build.
- 50g Moutere for bittering, 100g Supadelic and 100g Nectaron for end of boil and DH.
- Totals: 6.32kg grain and 250g hops
- Brew went well overall.
- Pump was working well.
- Great extraction – good volume post sparge (28.5 L).
- End of boil I had an issue with the bottom filter plate; there must’ve been a gap that allowed hops to pass through unfiltered, blocking the bottom drain/tap – I had to use the syphon to transfer the wort to the fermenter which resulted in a lower final volume (21.5L) and more trub/muck in the fermenter.
- RAPT Pill needed fully charging to be able to calibrate. Without the battery calibration the captive portal closed immediately after unplugging the USB-C. In addition to the battery needing a value, the captive portal needs to be on the ‘calibration’ screen or ‘configuration’ screen to trigger the portal to remain open for 10min after being unplugged.
- AM of day 1, calibrated the RAPT Pill using single point calibration. Added pill to the fermenter, and fermenter in the ‘fermentation chamber’.
- Pill OG: 1.069.
- Hydrometer OG: 1.067.
Should be a good one, I estimate only ~17L in bottles due to the additional trub and lower volume.
- end of day 1 pressure has come up, steady and bubbling a little under 5psi. Gravity 1.065
- https://www.brewersfriend.com/water-chemistry/ and loaded standard Wellington water profile.
- Wellington profile:
Ca(+2): 18
Mg(+2): 4
SO4(-2): 3
Na(+): 10
Cl(-): 10
HCO3(-): 60 - Set the total volume to 35L. This allowed for the 16.5L mash-in, 16L sparge, and a couple of additional liters if needed for top up.
- Used Gypsum CaSO4 (2tsp / 35L) and Calcium Chloride CaCl2 (0.5tsp / 35L)