Resurgence Pale Ale ii



Hop Variety60min15min0minDay 4
Heat off @ 0min addition, rapidly cool to 80C. Hold @ 80C for 15mins, then resume cooling to pitching temperature.


  • 4.74kg Gladfields American Ale Malt
  • 1.12kg Gladfield Vienna Malt
  • 0.80kg Gladfield Aurora Malt


2x Safale US-05

Water Treatment

whirlfloc and yeast nutrient with 15min hop addition

Boil Additions



  • Mash in at 67°C with 16.5L, rest for 60 min at 66.6°C.
  • Sparge with 16L at 76°C
  • Preboil size 28L
  • Boil time 75mins
  • Top up volume 2L
  • Postboil size 26.5L
  • Fermenter volume 24.5L


18C for fermentation, 20C for rest phase

Fermenter Additions



137g in 253ml



Final Volume



Riwaka single hop pale ale version 2

grain kept the same.

hops total 200g.

Changes to hop delivery;

20g @ 60min
30g @ 15min
50g @ WP
100g @ day 4 DH

(previous was
20g @ 20min,
30g @ 10min,
50g @ WP,
50g @ day 3 DH,
50g @ day 6 DH)

First use of ‘fermentation chamber’ – stand-up freezer and a fermenter heat-band.
First use of Pill in the fermenter for gravity and temperature, and temp controller with probe tucked into string of heat-band sitting against the middle of the fermenter. Setting 18C +-1C, with max5C differential between pill and probe, 2min compressor cooldown. Increase to 20C for post fermentation rest.

pill calibration was factory, the portal would close as soon as I unplugged the charge cable (which should activate it for ten minutes) so i wasn’t able to calibrate it. however in water it read 0.995, so factory calibration was likely close enough to be usable. [EDIT: I didn’t fully charge the battery so the pill battery calibration was not set/complete. Once fully charged (and on the portal calibration screen) it stayed open for 10min]

OG with the pill showed 1.057.

Using the hydrometer I read 1.061.

Pressure kit needed a bit of a flush.

Dry hop – day 4 (19/09/2023) 100g Riwaka. Pill reading about 1.014.

Adjusted spunding valve after dry hop, then checked on pressure after a couple of hours – it had increased to 10PSI.

Purged down to 5PSI in bursts to prevent foam hitting the top, adjusted valve until it was bubbling away on 5PSI.

Held at 18C and 4 or 5 PSI until day 6. Pill read 1.010 for 24hours.

Target temp raised from 18C to 20C.

day 13 (pm) decrease target temp from 20C to 12C

moved to bench to settle for bottling day 14 am


hydrometer 1.011 / pill 1.007

hydrometer readings 1.061 -> 1.011 (-50pts), pill readings 1.057 -> 1.007 (-50pts).

sugar 137g dissolved in 253ml boiling water

22L in bottles
