Home (Brews) / APA / APA Panhead clone V2

Brew Details

Brewed 16/08/2024
Brewer Owen
Style APA
OG 1.059
FG 1.016
ABV 5.92%
Cost $72.20


  • 4.7kg American Ale
  • 1.0kg Vienna
  • 0.5kg Light Crystal
  • 0.3kg Medium Crystal


US-05 2 packets


Hop60 minutes30 minutes10 minutesWP 20 minDH day 5Total
Total10 104070170300


Water Treatments: 1 teaspoon Cal Sulphate and 1/2 teaspoon Cal Chloride to mash water, 4 drops Lactic Acid 88% to sparge water
Boil Additions: 1/2 teaspoon yeast nutrient and 1/2 whirlfloc tablet at 10 min to go in boil


  • Mash in at 65°C with 18L, rest for 60 min at 65°C.
  • Mash out: 75 for 10 min
  • Sparge with 14L at 75°C
  • Preboil size 27.5L
  • Boil time 60mins
  • Postboil size 24.5L
  • Fermenter volume 23L


Fermentation details: 19.5C and 4psi for 5 days then ramped up to 22C and 16psi for 2 days after dry hopping Day5. Then reduced gradually to 5C over last 7 days with pressure max at 19.5psi down to 13.1psi @ 4.6C equating to 2.5 volumes CO2.


Bottled 31/08/2024
Bottling Zero carbonation required, ie 100% self carbonated.
Final Volume 19L


A variation on a successful brew kit originally purchased from Home Brew West in Henderson. Changed this one to include some Vienna malt, and also switched out American hops for some full flavoured Nelson hops. Emphasis on hop forward additions. Good colour and body, Not overly bitter, but strong hop forward flavours. Good body and mouth feel.


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