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ABV Calculator


Use this calculator to help estimate the strength of your beer. This calculator rounds only at the end to ensure greater accuracy, and offers two equations. The standard equation is simpler and provides a good estimate for beers below 7 or 8 percent. For higher strength beers or wine use the alternate formula for a better estimate. Both forumlas use equations found at brewersfriend.com, find out more.

Reference Info

ABV and Gravity:


Using the standard equation (which only takes into account the point difference). As a rough giude; 7-8 points change in gravity is 1% abv.

  • 23pts ≈ 3%
  • 31pts ≈ 4%
  • 38pts ≈ 5%
  • 46pts ≈ 6%
  • 53pts ≈ 7%

Using the Alternate Equation which accounts for the starting gravity value as well as the difference we see a difference in percentage value even with the same point difference.

E.g. 53 point difference:

  • from 1.053 to 1.000 = 7.03%
  • from 1.063 to 1.010 = 7.20%


Carbonation and CO2

Volumes of cylinders

A '60L' sodastream cylinder has 400g CO2, Mangrove Jacks cylinder has 2.3kg CO2. The 60L of the sodastream refers to an approximate number of liters of fizzy water it can produce using their machine.

Pressure vs Temperature:

For the amount of dissolved CO2, temperature is proportional to pressure and so we can compare different temperates and pressure using the chart below. For the dissolved CO2 amount to properly reflect the pressure/temperature combination sufficient time is required to ensure the beer has absorbed or released the amount of CO2